Before you order from our website please read the terms and conditions below..
Ordering through our site means that you understand and agree to all our terms and conditions.

Be aware that when you purchase via the internet you are entering into a legally binding contract. Supply is dependant on compliance with T&C.
Aldridge Mill is a Bimble Camp operated by Aldridge Mill Ltd.

You agree to comply with Bimble Camp's Constitution & Code Of Conduct at all times when at Aldridge Mill.


Your purchase includes membership to Bimble Camp. Your membership allows you to stay at any Bimble Camp including Aldridge Mill. Memberships expire on Dec 31st. After purching your membership & stay you will be emailed your booking information and a link to all the relevent information for arrival and your stay.

Card Payments

Card payments are handled by a 3rd party card processor. Bookings are not confirmed until payment has been received in full.

Bank Transfer Payments

For larger groups or longer bookings we can accept bank transfer payments. Please contact us for details.

Cancellation and Right of Admission

Requests to cancel bookings will be dealt with on a case by case basis as sympathetically as possible, In all cases, refunds are provisional on being requested at least 2 weeks before your booked date. There is a £5 administration charge per cancellation. Booking fees are non-refundable.

In the event that we have to cancel your booking we will email you to let you know, and will not be responsible for any expenses, such as other accommodation or travel, made by you if you try to attend a cancelled booking or event, even if arrangements we're made prior to the cancellation.

Reselling at a greater value is strictly prohibited. We reserve the right to cancel any booking where, for whatever reason, we suspect this is the intention of the purchaser. Right of admission is reserved by us. In the event of refusal you should claim your refund from us.

The information on this web site is not infallible. Mistakes can be made. Information is believed to be correct at the time of publishing.

In the event of a price being mis-advertised on this site or changed by us, we reserve the right to withdraw the item from sale. Please check your orders on receipt and inform us of any discrepancies immediately as mistakes cannot always be rectified later.

Aldridge Mill Ltd. Registered Address: Aldridge Mill, Oakford, Devon EX16 9EX. - Companies House Reg No: 11640623

Privacy Policy

Credit card details will be handled securely to ensure confidentiality. SSL encryption is employed to ensure sensitive data is protected. We do store names and addresses of our customers for our own accounting purposes and may inform you of other things we are doing, but they are never made available to third parties.


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Should you be dissatisfied with our service, please contact us with full details of your complaint via [email protected] .

We will attempt to deal with any complaints quickly and fairly.

Bimble Camp Constitution

  1. TITLE
    1. The name of the club shall be known as ‘BIMBLE CAMP’, hereinafter referred to as The Club.
    1. To help promote Off Grid, wild camping, and camping with nature.
    2. To promote friendship and community between members
    3. To promote leisure and camping in nature without modern facilities
    4. To promote environmental awareness and encourage knowledge and learning of natural living, living off grid, solar power, and sustainability.
    1. The club shall consist of members who are interested in the aims and objectives of the club.
    2. Membership will be by invitation and application form.
    3. Application for membership shall be made by completion of membership form and fee.
    4. Each member shall pay a subscription, the amount to be decided upon at the AGM, it will be due on or after the 1st January each year. If a member joins during the year, the subscription end will remain the same.
    5. Yearly memberships will expire on 31st December each year.
    6. Lifetime memberships will be available by invitation only and approved by the committee.
    7. Children under sixteen must be accompanied by an adult on site to camp at all times.
    8. Membership may be withdrawn at the discretion of the committee. The member will have the right of appeal to the committee to state the case for continuation of membership.
    9. All members are deemed to subscribe to the Country Code and also the Coastal Code and the code of conduct of the club.
    1. The affairs of the club shall be administered by the committee in accordance with the terms of this constitution.
    2. The property, assets and income of the club shall be applied solely for the benefit of the club and its members or for the purpose of donations to charity as decided at the A.G.M. by the members.
    3. The club shall be independent from The Bimble Inn but may draw on the resources of The Bimble Inn.
    4. Management of the club shall be under the overall control of a committee elected from the membership by the members at each A.G.M. and comprising of a CHAIRMAN, SECRETARY and TREASURER, with up to six but no less than three committee members. All members of the committee will serve a term of three years and may stand for re-election.
    5. All money in the name of the club shall be deposited in a bank approved by the committee.
    6. In order for a committee meeting to take place a quorum (the majority) of the full committee must be present.  Committee meetings can take place remotely by way of video conferencing software.
    7. In the event of a vacancy occurring in respect of any position on the committee, the remaining members of the committee may appoint any willing club member to serve on committee until the next AGM. The appointed member will have full voting rights.
    8. Interest in land may be acquired by purchase, lease or licence for the purpose of holding rallies or meetings as permitted by legislation or by Local Planning Authorities or for any other club activities.
    1. One general meeting designated as an Annual General Meeting, will be held every calendar year. A minimum of 4 weeks notice of that date, time and venue shall be given.
    2. The reports will be read and discussed if need be.
    3. The officers and committee will be elected.
    4. Motions to be discussed must be submitted to the secretary / acting secretary at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
    5. Standing orders / rules can only be changed by a majority decision of members present at the AGM. The chairperson has deciding vote in the event of a tie.
    1. Amendments to the constitution can be raised at the AGM by members present and if approved carried.
    1. No members shall act as a representative of the club via letter or any other media without sanction by the committee.
    1. The management committee by a 2/3rds majority at a meeting called for that purpose may decide to dissolve the club. They must then call an EGM giving 4 weeks’ notice to all club members. If a 2/3rds majority passes the motion the club is then dissolved. The remaining funds after all expenses have been met will be donated to a charity chosen by the members present.
    1. In the event of any dispute over the interpretation of the constitution the decision of the committee shall be final and binding.


Bimble Camp Code of Conduct


  1. One named member of the organisation (the “rally marshal” or “responsible person”) is to be responsible for the conduct of any exempted touring caravan or camping event and for ensuring that those attending comply with this code.
  2. The responsible person must ensure that all members are aware of The Countryside Code, The Caravan Code and The Seashore Code
    • The Venue
  3. The organisation will take reasonable steps to satisfy themselves that the site to be used is not subject to a relevant order under paragraph 13 of the First Schedule to the 1960 Act (for caravans), or an Article 4 direction under Schedule 2 to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (for caravans and camping), and that it is not one where planning permission has been refused or where enforcement action has been taken.
  4. The organisation will consult the local authority before meeting on land adjacent to sites for which planning permission has been granted (i.e. next to permanent or commercial sites).
  5. The organisation will agree to move from and avoid any site to which the local authority maintains a valid objection.
  6. The organisation will not meet on sites adjacent to certificated locations/sites unless the proposed site is clearly differentiated and the risk of interference with local people and other users is minimal.
  7. The organisation will take reasonable steps to ensure that the siting of units (a caravan, motor home, tent or trailer tent) does not unduly interfere with the activities of local people, their privacy or their enjoyment of their property. They will also ensure that the siting of units does not interfere with the enjoyment by others of the landscape, natural beauty or nature conservation value of the area, particularly in areas designated for their landscape or wildlife qualities.
  8. The organisation will undertake not to over-use any venue and will consider carefully before holding successive meetings on the same land.
    • Nuisance
  9. Local people should be able to carry on their normal activities when meetings are in progress. The organisation will take reasonable steps to minimise disturbance and will investigate and deal with the causes of any complaints made.
  10. Care should be taken not to damage the site or the surrounding locality. Trees, fences, buildings, equipment and stock should all be respected.
  11. Domestic animals belonging to members of the organisation will be kept on a lead and under close control. They will not be allowed to run loose on the site or cause disturbance to local people or animals. They will be exercised away from units and those parts of the site used for communal activities. Any mess will be cleared up.
  12. The responsible person will identify open space suitable for the playing of games which might otherwise intrude upon or constitute a danger or annoyance to others on or around the site.
  13. Noise should be monitored to ensure local people are not caused undue disturbance.
    • Road Safety and Access
  14. The responsible person will take steps to ensure that travel from major roads to a proposed site is not likely to cause undue disruption or difficulties for other road users. Access to the site must be suitable for the number and likely size of units attending the meeting. The arrival and departure of units should be arranged to minimise disruption to other road users.
  15. The speed of vehicles on the site should be restricted to 5 mph.
    • Spacing and Density
  16. For health and safety purposes emergency vehicles must be able to gain access to the site.  The responsible person shall ensure that 3m wide fire lanes are maintained throughout the site to ensure that emergency vehicles can access all areas of the site. Emergency vehicles should be able to secure access at all times to within 90 metres of any unit on the site.
  17. Where a site is being used by both caravans and tents then cars must be sited entirely separately for health & safety reasons.  Ideally cars should be located in a separate field, but if the layout of the site does not allow for this a dedicated parking area will be designated.  Once a caravan or camping equipment has been dropped off the car should immediately be moved to the parking area.  Cars should not be allowed access on site once the event has been set up.  For larger gatherings cars will not be allowed to drop off camping equipment onsite, campers will need to carry their equipment from the parking field.
    • Fire Precautions
  18. Open fires and barbecues will be held with the permission of the responsible person. Where permission is given for open fires or barbecues, they will be sited on open ground, away from units, vehicles, awnings and any other structures.
  19. A fire extinguisher approved to British Standards Institute and/or Fire Officers Certificate standards will be held on site.  For larger gatherings fire points will be positioned at relevant points with water buckets and/or fire extinguishers.
    • Chemical Toilets and Waste Water Disposal
  20. Organisations will act responsibly when disposing of the contents of chemical toilets and waste water and take full account of the need to safeguard water supplies and prevent the pollution of rivers and streams.
  21. On-site disposal of the contents of chemical toilets and waste water will be in accordance with arrangements agreed with the site owner/occupier. Neither will be allowed to foul the ground except at designated disposal points. If there is any doubt about the disposal of waste, the organisation or, if appropriate, the responsible person will contact the relevant Local Authority for advice.
  22. Sites will be encouraged to provide compost toilet facilities and users will be encouraged to use these facilities rather than using any chemical toilets they may personally own.  Chemical Toilets must never be emptied into a compost toilet.
    • Refuse disposal
  23. Recycling should be promoted and organisations should ensure that refuse is either taken home and recycled or recycled in accordance with on-site arrangements. The responsible person should be satisfied that appropriate arrangements are in place.